Networking course with wireshark

This online networking course is focussed on TCP/IP communication fundamentals and how protocols and technologies work together in a Computer network environment. The TCP /IP course is beneficial for audience who would want to gain

knowledge on networking communication in real time.The course starts with the basic fundamentals of TCP/ IP communication and explores the internals gradually. Wireshark protocol analyzer is used to explain the internal working of networking protocols and underlying concepts.

A video snapshot of the course is provided below.

Online training schedule

Day 1

1. TCP/IP Fundamentals.
2. TCP/IP communication.
3. Data at different layers of the TCP/IP model.
4. Wireshark configuration and setup – Configuration for an adapter.
5. Wireshark analysis of TCP, UDP, IP v4 and Ethernet Frames –
6. Equipments used at different TCP/IP layers like Switches and Routers and their functionality.

Day 2

TCP/IP Layer 1 communication fundamentals.

1. Understand the need of ARP protocol.
2. Understand the use and internal working of a switch.
3. Understand how two computers connected to a switch transfer data.

Day 3

TCP/IP Layer 2 communication fundamentals.

1.Fundamentals of routing and networks.
2.IP Packet analysis.
3.Understand the use and internal working of routers.
4.Understand the fundamentals of ip routing.
5.Understand how an IP packet is processed by a router.
6.Interconnecting switches and routers.
7.Understand the concept of gateways and default routes.
8.Routing decisions on the PC.
9.Understand the communication between two computers connected to two different networks on a router.

Day 4

TCP/IP Layer 3 communication fundamentals.

1. Fundamentals of TCP communication – 3 way and 4 way handshake.
2. Understand how TCP carries data – Revisit TCP headers with actual Data.
3. Understand different parameters of TCP – Sequence and Acknowledgement numbers, Windowing.
4. Fundamentals of UDP communication –
5. Understand how UDP carries data –
6. Comparison between TCP and UDP
7. Client Server communication – Socket creation and usage.

Day 6

1. Understand the Internet Infrastructure – DNS Servers, Web Servers and clients.
2. Understand the process of domain name registration.
3. Understand the DNS resolution process.
4. Wireshark analysis of DNS Request and Response packets.
5. Wireshark analysis of traffic flow between a Web server and client.

Day 7

Live practical analysis of the following protocols and how they use protocols at different TCP/IP layers.

1. FTP
2. Telnet
4. Ping
5. Tracert

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